Saturday, January 23, 2010

New ideas for tear-free nail filing?

I need to file my daughter's nails TODAY. I've been putting it off because she has already been having a hard enough time just dealing with teething.

She is almost 9 months old and hates to have me hold her hand still. She knows all my tricks to try to keep her distracted and happy whilst nail filing, and she is just not buying it anymore. :(

So what are some of the things you all do to get through nail filing/trimming without tears?New ideas for tear-free nail filing?
Is there anything you can do instead of filing? Maybe you can just use clippers instead. Nail filling is something that you have to get used to. It reminds me a bit of running fingernails down a chalk board.

If she is old enough you can take her to a beauty supply store and let her 'pick out' her own nail file. Pick two or three, hold them up, and let her pick one. My son was really good at this around 6 months. She'll probably try to grab them all, but you can coax her into one. You can also try letting her file your nails, so she can get used to it a bit. If you can get her with a friend of yours, you can have your baby watch while someone files your nails, or while you file someone else's nails.

Another option could be to just leave them alone. They will get a little scraggly (more so than now), chances are she will scratch herself, then you can jump right in there and file them. She is old enough to start to understand if you don't file them she might hurt herself. Letting her see that happen may be a good teaching lesson.

You can also try 'new' ideas of keeping her distracted. I know candy and sugar is bad, especially for a 9 month old, but it may work. If she can have a sucker in one hand, it may be new and cool enough that she'll let you file the other.

Remember that tears are okay. Really your daughter doesn't have to like it, she just has to do it. It could be a valuable teaching moment for that to. Not everything is going to be fun, but you're going to try your best to make it okay, and she just has to deal with it. She isn't old enough to tell you why she doesn't like it and that she doesn't want it done, so she cries. That's her opinion and she is entitled to have it. If she cries, comfort her, but clip and file them anyhow. She'll be fine.New ideas for tear-free nail filing?
Really, the best time with babies is when they are asleep as they won't be moving around nor aware of what is happening, often this is not practical. In the case that won't work, television for a short amount of time would be okay. I really don't recommend television for kids under 2 years, well, ever, however.... What has worked in our house is the boys get to watch a little Sesame Street while clipping their fingernails, it only takes about 15 minutes with both of them. Sometimes whatever works, doesn't hurt them, and is expedient, is the best route.
i use clippers, and for whatever reason, ruby lets me clip and holds her hand still. so i may not be much help. but if ruby resisted, i would clip MY nails while she was watching and then try one of hers. show her how i clip mine, then say ';your turn!'; like it'sa big, fun game and clip hers. if you haven't tried that approach, give it a run. good luck. those baby nails are killer, aren't they? like little razor blades!
I used to do it while my daughter was sleeping. That seems to be the ';thing'; to do after reading the other answers. LOL She is three years old now and doesn't mind it at all.

If it doesn't work for you while she's sleeping, then maybe do your nails in front of her and show her it's nothing to worry about. She might open up to it after that.
I always do it when she is asleep, toes and fingers. It is impossible for us while awake! Even in her sleep she snaps her hands and feet away! But that is the only way I can ever accomplish that task! I used to put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on, the colors would put her in a trance. Then I could cut them but, that was short lived!
Yea I have the same answer as everyone else. I useally trim her nails while she is sleeping, after I giver her a bath,when her nails are a bit softer. once in awhile I can do it while she is feeding, but thats when she is holding on to my fingers the whole time.
Hi - I also use the nail clippers on my 3 month old while he is sleeping. I have also been successful in cutting and filing his nails while he is awake - usually right after a feeding though.
my son won't stay asleep to let me cut them! it would wake him. I usually manage about 3 at a time at bath time, as we have play time on the change table first and his dad distracts him. i file or use cutters.
Just use nail clippers and do it when she's asleep if she dreads the nail cutting process so much. It helps to push the pad of the finger back to avoid any accidents.
I either file his nails when he is sleeping or my husband doe it while I'm nursing (but I saw that doesn't work for your little one)
hmm I dont know I always cut my baby's nails with a baby nails clipper while she is sleeping and havent had any problems, takes 5 minutes tops.

but she is only 10 weeks so maybe it gets trickier? :)
I trim my baby's nails when she's napping. It's easy to do that way. I have tried filing and clipping but neither work as well as the baby scissors I have.
At that age, I always trimmed my daughter's nails when she fell asleep for a nap.
I cut my 10 month old son's nails while he is sleeping.

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