Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why does my cat lick nail files?

Whenever me, my sister, or my mom are filing our nails, my cat goes nuts. It isn't when clipping nails, painting nails, only when using a nail file. He tries to take the file from us and just starts licking it all over. He tries to like the nails we have filed too. None of our other cats do it, only the weird one. Do you think it is because he likes the taste of the file and nail? Or maybe he just likes the texture of the file?

Random question I know but I was just filing my nails and he stopped playing to come steal my file. Has anybody else's cat done this?Why does my cat lick nail files?
Your cat is just doing his own weirdo thing. All cats do something weird, which is what makes cats great!Why does my cat lick nail files?
my cat does that tooo!

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Ha ha, it's funny that I find this tonight because LAST night, my kitties were chewing on mine..(of course I was teasing them with it and they were playing with me). I was kind of hoping they would drag their pokie nails across the file a time or two too! Cats seem to all have something wierd. One of mine is obsessed with chewing on paper, another with plastic bags.
That's just a curious cat XP

Maybe he feels kinda fun licking it, cat's are so weird! That's why I love them XP!!!
it could be the texture of it. my dog licks stuff that are rough as well, kinda weird but as long as they aren't hurting themselves its fine
they lick it becuase it's rough like their tounge it feels like thier mothers it's relly cute if u think about it my kitties tigger had an absesoin with my blush bursh one time i was digging tourgh my amke up box and she walked right over and took it out of my box and ran off with it LOL she was a charecter but this one woman froced me to give her away i hated it i miss my baby
I don't know, mine likes to rub against scissors and likes their shinyness and metal I think, I don't know, different cats like different things
Well i would say he likes the taste or your powdered nail pieces.

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