Saturday, January 23, 2010

Survey: Do you cut your nails or file them?

ehhh.....mostly well iused to but i kicked the habit a few months agoSurvey: Do you cut your nails or file them?

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Survey: Do you cut your nails or file them?
Well since my nails are always fake I can only file them but mostly I leave it all to the professionals. If I cut them they crack and break. I learned the hard way! :P
Both, sometimes I just file though if I'm changing colors.
Both, I cut when needed. I do file them to keep them neat looking.
i cut my nails then i file my nail then i paint my nails either black are red is my flavor color :)las08------
Cut them and then file the edges smooth.
I cut them when they start breaking or chipping
Both; but if i'm in a rush, I only cut them.
Both. I cut them, then file them into shape.
more like break and file, hehehe, will cut them if broken too crooked
Both, first cut then file.
I file them,
I file mine
both - cut then file
cut them of course
cut them.
i just cut them.
both =]]

clip and bite.
i bite them
no...i bite um!
neither i let them grow

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